Hyundai IONIQ 1.Generation Elektro (38,3 kWh) Style-Paket - Towing vehicle

Is a Hyundai IONIQ 1.Generation Elektro (38,3 kWh) Style-Paket a good towing vehicle?

Hyundai IONIQ 1.Generation  Elektro (38,3 kWh) Style-Paket

Is the Hyundai IONIQ also good for towing trailers? In order to answer this issue the motor vehicle must be considered from all points of view, such as whether a trailer hitch (AHK) is available at all, the torque, and the maximum towing capacity.

The torque is at the Hyundai IONIQ decisive for acceleration even under load - the more torque the better!


However, this offer does not yet include trailer coupling and must be separately ordered.

Final assessment: Is this car suitable as a towing vehicle? Unfortunately, the Hyundai IONIQ cannot be ordered with a trailer hitch, so it is also not possible to use it in trailer mode. However, this particular offer is an immediately available vehicle that does not have a trailer hitch installed. It is therefore not suitable for use in trailer operation. However, this car may be available as an order vehicle with trailer hitch, so be sure to also check new vehicle offers on our website.


Power transmission